5월, 2017의 게시물 표시

THE PARTY CENTUM 釜山,韩国 (Busan South Korea)

Hello ! If you come to South Korea for travel , I would like to introduce you the best buffet in Korea!It's called "THE PARTY" . I went to the party in centum and It was a really fantastic experience for me. They serve Japanese, Chinese and western food , items were so various. Also serve so many kind of yummy dessert and even a coffee and ice cream. 哈喽! :) 你们真正懂旅游的人,来韩国釜山享受釜山的美景和美食  !  姐啊 哥们啊!   我介绍给你在釜山最值钱的一家自助餐餐厅。 叫   The Party   ! 在釜山有10多个连锁店, 规模最大的高档的自助餐厅, 来釜山我们经常去的海云台以及CEMTUM也都有。 今天介绍的是CENTUM 的。 这里有 韩餐,日餐(生鱼片等),中餐, 点心, 面包🍞, 蛋糕🎂, 咖啡☕, 健康的果汁饮料, 烤肉, 面条, 冰淇淋! 更值得的是。。这里的中餐有麻辣龙虾,台湾牛肉汤面,锅巴肉以及香港点心 (虾子,小笼包灯各种类都有)!  这里有4位来自中国的厨师[偷笑]。来韩国釜山你可以吃的到日本的韩国的中国的菜!  They had a real Chinese chef makes real Chinese style dimsum !  All kinds of salad you would love :) They are doing new  Chinese item Called "spicy mini crawfish" And also Taiwan style noodle!  Fried chicken and rice. ...